· Drew Richards Drew Richards · 1 min read

Changes for September 8 - 14

Email notifications; styling improvements; and, of course, many bug fixes.

Changes for September 8 - 14

Email notifications; styling improvements; and, of course, many bug fixes.

  • Email notification when new third party authentication method added to an account.
  • Gravatar integration
  • Fix profile links with site accounts
  • Add content to bottom of container rather than the top.
  • Allow scheduling blog posts to be published in the future.
  • Improve conversion of post html to plain text summary.
  • Fix styling for bullet lists.
  • Update homepage to attempt to make the product's value clearer.
  • Fix rendering social account icons with unexpected inputs.
  • Improved the login, signup, and call to action header component options.
  • Added 10px margin by default to all components. Still experimenting to see if this is the best approach.
  • Updates to bot/crawler detection for site stats.
  • Default site stats to 1 week time period and speed up initial loading.
  • Undo/redo buttons in the editor
  • Notify moderators when a blog comment is posted.
  • Fix section margins for mobile sizes.